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Canadian Red Cross for floods victims


Canadian Mental Health Association:

Research, information services and resource centers.

Hawkesbury : 613-938-0435
Alexandria/Casselman/Rockland/Cornwall/Winchester: 1-800-493-8271

Centre NOVAS-CALACS francophone de Prescott-Russell:

Centre d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel. Offre des services multiples aux femmes survivantes de 16 ans et plus de langue française.

613 764-5700

Carefor Health & Community Services:

Provides services for elder persons. Many services can be provided in the comfort of a client’s home, retirement facility or in local community setting.

Cornwall: 1-800-267-1741
Hawkesbury: 613-632-0418

Centre York Centre / Prescott-Russell Office:

Supervised Access Centre which offers families experiencing difficulties, a safe setting where visits and exchanges can take place without the children witnessing conflicts between parties.

Hawkesbury: 613-632-2333 /1-877-632-2332

Canadian Red Cross:

Improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world.

Cornwall: 1-800-267-7339

Kids Help Phone:

Phone counselling for kids and teenagers.

Mental Health Crisis Line

Maison Interlude House:

External Services and shelter for women and their children victims of violence.     

Shelter–crisis line 1-800-267-4101
External Services 1.800.461.1842

Ontario Provincial Police

Hawkesbury : 613-632-2729
Embrun : 613-443-4499
Rockland : 613-446-5124
Prescott-Russell : 911

Victim / Witness Assistance Program:

Court support for victims and witnesses.

L’Orignal : 613-675-1991 / 1-866-296-0164

HGH/ Mental Health and Addiction Community Services

HGH is a community hospital center who offers services in both official language in the region of Prescott-Russell and East Ontario.

They offer services in mental health and in addiction.

Services are offered in Hawkesbury and in their two satellite centre located in Casselman and in Clarence-Rockland.

Central Home for mental health and addiction services :

Toll free: 1-844-304-1414
FAX: 613.632.7450
Hawkesbury Tel: 613 632-0139/1 877 616-0139
Casselman Tél: 613 764-5464/1 866 742-8371
Clarence-Rockland Tél: 613 446-6776/1 877 616-0139

Hawkesbury and District General Hospital - Hawkesbury -  Mental Health Treatment Service of Prescott Russell

Mental health services  works with clients and their families to improve overall health and quality of daily living  personalized services  treatments.

Addiction Services of Prescott-Russell (ASPR)

Offers a wide range of specialized therapeutic services designed to address problems associated with addictions and/or gambling.

Prescott-Russell Community Mental Health Center

Community Mental Health Programs - Prescott/Russell.

Community mental health programs provide a variety of services to help support people who have serious and ongoing mental health issues living in the community. 

 1.800.267.1453 - 613-446-5139

Valoris for Children and Adults of Prescott and Russell:

Children’s Aid Society, agency for developpementally delayed children and youth, community living association for adults with developmental disabilities, agency for mental health services for children and youth, agency for victims and witness of family violence.

Plantagenet (Head Office) : 613-673-5148 /1-800-675-6168   
Hawkesbury, Casselman, Rockland: 613-673-5148 /1-800-675-6168


Ligne de soutien pour femmes victimes de violence (services offered exclusively in french)


+ Fort

site est dédié aux jeunes et aux adultes qui s'intéressent à l'intimidation et qui veulent en savoir plus sur +Fort, une nouvelle application mobile qui offre un soutien aux jeunes qui vivent de l'intimidation.

Timea's Cause

Voice Found 

Voice Found is a Canadian charitable organization that is committed to the prevention of child sex abuse and commercial sexual exploitation.

We envision a Canada where children and youth grow into healthy adults and where those who’ve been sexually exploited get the support and care they deserve.

 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office 613.763.5332
Toll Free 1.866.239.0558


Parents’ Lifelines is a non-profit family support organization for parents and caregivers whose children to age 24 are dealing with mental health and/or addiction challenges. We are staffed with parents who also have supported their own children with these challenges – we have travelled this journey. We understand the challenges and the stresses on families but we also know there is hope, recovery is possible and we know first hand that parents and caregivers play a significant role. Children and youth with good family support have better outcomes. Families also need support to be the supporters and advocates their children need. You have arrived at the right place to get that support and to learn more about navigating the mental health and addiction systems. Please explore this website to understand the services we can provide. You don’t need to feel alone.

Ottawa : 613-321-3211
In Ottawa: 613-321-3211
Outside Ottawa: 1-855-775-7005 (Toll Free)
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Youturn provides intensive services and supports to youth in conflict with the law, and their families.

Our goal is to help our clients shift to active participation in society — and make choices that will help them remain in the community, avoid future conflict with the law and succeed in their lives.

Through four core programs, we deliver counselling, education and training, clinical treatment and a range of additional supports — all focused on helping youth and families build on their strengths, develop their personal competencies and set out on a path to a productive life.

  Office: 613-789-0123


Mental Health Crisis Line: 1 866 996-0991 

Child, Youth and Family Crisis Line for Eastern Ontario: 1 877 377-7775